About us

Born with a tie
The F.Marino ties close perfectly and the knot does not loose. This is the essence of Neapolitan tailoring: the particular degree of strength in sewing them that can only give the hand of man. They are born so ties that do not equal the world. No one can imitate them. It's something that only fans can understand.

Experience and passion
F. Marino has conquered not only Italy, but also the international market, such as the United States and Japan. The tailoring tie F.Marino is the result of the experience and passion for Neapolitan tailoring, but with a vision of internationalization that places it as a reference point for many customers fond to the tradition of knots.

Mind and heart
F.Marino ties are completely different from the other ties.
Even wearing them for many years does not shrink and also resistance is higher than average.
To explain the true value of the tie of F.Marino, it is not enough to say that it is a craft work.

The idea
If you cook for some time a tie, you end up sewing with precise, balanced points, equidistant among them. But Francesco Marino does not like this: imperfection is indispensable.
The essence of Neapolitan tailoring is in the particular degree of strength that can only give the hand of man.

The mastery
The Neapolitan point is not standard, 3 or 4 mm, but changes depending on the mood of the day. It can be said that here is the essence of Naples.
If you use the machines, you can produce perfect tie, but they would be dead tie.

The talent
In the tie that wrap the neck there must be some point where the force is less. If that's not the case, they'll twist or slow down.
So they are born ties that do not equal the world. No one can imitate them. Only fans can understand.

We at The Merchant Fox celebrate the exquisite attention to detail and we wish to share our passion for craft. The expert craftmanship certainly shines through in these ties,having been made using the window Neapolitan tailoring methods

San Giorgio a Cremano, “homeland to the ties”, as Francesco Marino says. Cassandra srl is managed by Francesco and his son Patrick and produces ties for the biggest Italian and foreign brands with the expertise of 68 years of history and a passion created for the craft.

Moins d’une dizaine d’employés produisent pour les plus grands noms du monde entier (des USA au Japon) tous les types de cravates du twill, de la crêpe de chine, en passant par le coton et le denim.

F.Marino ties are undoubtedly exquisite and among the lightest in the world. The in-house stock of vintage silk is nothing short of breathtaking and the Marinos, father and sonar disarmingly charming and slightly mad - which is inherent why more gentlemen are taking a liking to the Marino name.